Webcast – Excipient premixes for direct compression

What is important for a successful tableting formulation? What is the interaction between fillers, flow agents and binders? We consider the necessary excipients that are needed for direct tableting. Among other things, we look at the properties of fillers and dry binders in detail and investigate how the use of excipient premixes can positive influence the tableting process and final product.

The webinar covers:

  • Polymers for direct compression
  • Dry binder premixes
  • Case studies
  • Complete tableting premixes
  • Sustained release systems
  • Q&A during the webinar


Jonas Jensch, M. Sc., Project Manager, BIOGRUND GmbH

Jonas holds an university degree in economic chemistry. At BIOGRUND he is part of the global sales team and has a passion for simplyfing production processes. In Europe, he consults pharmaceutical and nutraceutical companies in formulation projects for solid oral dosage forms.