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The functionality of Hot Melt Coating | Part 2/3

Guidance for an excellent Hot Melt Coating

In order to reduce the problems of other solvent-based coating processes, such as time and cost intensity, the active ingredient coating by means of Hot Melt Coating (HMC) was developed.

HMC is a process in which coating materials such as lipids, e.g. carnauba wax and beeswax, are melted and applied to the active ingredient by a coating machine.

Bei dem Hot Melt Coating werden naturbasierte Stoffe geschmolzen und auf den Wirkstoffaufgetragen bis eine homogene Schicht gebildet wurde.

Step-by-Step Guide

  • Spraying: The already melted coating components are sprayed onto the active ingredient through a heated nozzle. The active ingredient floats in a fluidized bed in the coating apparatus (Ventilus®/Romaco Innojet).
  • Wetting: The active ingredient is wetted with the coating components.
  • Solidification: As the coating has a lower melting temperature than the active ingredients, it cools on the surface of the active ingredients.
  • Homogeneous coating: A homogeneous layer consisting of 100% coating material is formed.

Further information about HMC:

For an overview of BIOGRUND Hot Melt Coating and polishing, waxing products click here.

Our machine recommendation regarding Hot Melt Coating: Romaco Innojet VENTILUS

Hot Melt Coating – Instructions:

Watch our YouTube video about the application of our hot melt coating product BonuWax®.